I wanted to stop forcing myself to try so hard
Relax your shoulders. Wow, that was easy, wasn't it?
It took me a while to realise that.
It's a selfish and lazy story.

Why be so lazy?

First of all, I'm sorry for the silly name "Guutara." Guutara does not mean laziness.
We chose this name with the hope that our customers will be able to speak in a relaxed and comfortable atmosphere, without any stress, and while valuing their own individuality.
I realized this because there was a time when I was too lazy to do it.

There was a time when I was completely unable to be lazy. I felt like I was being crushed by the fact that I was not myself.

At that time, I stopped "trying hard" in a good way. I started sorting out what I needed and didn't need, asking myself, "Do I really need this?" I realized that relaxing and relaxing my shoulders and creating space in my mind improved my performance, and I realized that this also had a positive impact on those around me. In other words, I thought, "It's important to relax your shoulders!"

I believe that it is when you are relaxed and have a laid back attitude that many ideas come to mind. You can talk freely about what you want to do, what you want to be, and what excites you . That is the kind of lazy design I want to create.
What I want to do starts with excitement

The seed of excitement is already inside of you. The moment you think, "I want to do this!", a seed of excitement will pop up. Whether you have a clear image of what you want to achieve, or you're still a bit hazy,

I don't want you to give up on the excitement halfway through.
Then, when you think, "Okay! Let's give shape to that excitement!", if you give up because you think you can't give it shape, the seeds of excitement that have sprouted will wither away.
Lazy Design is all about giving shape to that excitement through illustrations.
I want to talk to you and nurture your excitement together so that the seeds of your precious excitement don't wither halfway through. If that excitement can be expressed in illustrations, I'd like to work with you to give it form. I want to deliver illustrations that will keep you excited even after the illustration is complete.
We create our products with the hope that this ever-growing excitement will help our customers' dreams to grow even bigger, and help them get closer to the person they want to be.
Ever since I was little, I have loved exciting things and have always wanted to become an exciting adult who "does what I love, as much as I love."
Thanks to that, I was able to grow up with that excited, childlike feeling (or so I ended up, haha).
I want to continue to feel excited, never forgetting the heart that I have cherished since I was a child.
And if we can help all of you who continue to feel the same excitement even after you've become an adult, maybe we can all feel happy together! That's what we're working on.
I want to continue to relax, be myself, and create things with excitement.
I want to do something like this, I want an illustration like this, I want to express myself through illustrations...
We will offer flexible solutions to such concerns and questions. Express yourself through illustrations that no one else has seen. We hope that it will attract someone's heart and lead to a connection.
Mari Ueda